Customer Testimonials

Currently viewing Industry: Education

Curtin University, Unexpected Benefits of SafeZone, Tip Button Function

University of Southern Queensland, SafeZone Student Uptake

Curtin University, Popular SafeZone Updates & Improvements

University of the Sunshine Coast, Improvements Made; Wellbeing Feature is a ‘Game Changer’

University of Wollongong, Why Consider SafeZone? Student and Staff Wellbeing.

University of the Sunshine Coast, Unexpected Benefit of SafeZone with Cleaning Contractors

University of Wollongong, Why SafeZone’s Wellbeing Button Is Important

University of the Sunshine Coast, Wellbeing Feature and Plans for Expanded Use

University of Wollongong, Using SafeZone for Multiple Incidents Involving Police and Resulting in Charges

University of the Sunshine Coast, Experience with SafeZone

University of Wollongong, Expanding Student Uptake of SafeZone

University of the Sunshine Coast, What Other Managers of Security Should Know